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Where Fashion Meets Nature

The fashion industry faces great challenges that must be addressed  urgently.
All these issues affects our planet and biodiversity.
The answer to all these challenges may lie in the most advanced technology that we know today and that has been able to remain in the world for more than 3.6 billion years: nature. Urdaibai_October24_BBK KLIMA



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Fashion Revolution Week Euskadi24

To commemorate the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013, Fashion Revolution organizes a sustainable fashion week every year. A conferences, workshops, catwalk and exhibition were organized under the theme Think Global, Act Local. Bilbao_April24_BBK KUNA_SALA BBK



Large Scale Game. Supply Chain in the Fashion Industry.

Who grew our cotton? Who sowed the seeds? Who spun these threads? Who made my clothes? Win or lose depending on your decisions when buying and caring for your clothes. Urdaibai_July4_BBK KLIMA



Social Experiment. The 1€ T-shirt Experiment

Would you like a T-shirt for 1€? We set up a vending machine selling T-shirts for 1€ on Gran Vía Bilbao. Clikc to see what happened. Bilbao_April22_BBK KUNA

Social Experiment


Textile waste: current situation, legislation and future destiny

Textile waste has become one of the great challenges that humanity must face and its difficult management is beginning to mobilize governments, companies and citizens. Irún_June24_BIOTERRA



Material Revolution Exhibition

MaterialDriven reflects on the role of sustainable and responsible materials in transforming the fashion industry into a more ethical one with a positive impact on the planet. Bilbao_April24_BBK KUNA_SALA BBK


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BIF: sustainable fashion days

Leading sustainable sessions at BIF Bilbao.

The program included an exhibit featuring the most relevant information from the recent study "The Future of Fashion", a round table with experts of the industry and a conference with tips and advises on how to find eco-friendly fashion suppliers. Bilbao_November.2023_BIF


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The Future of Fashion

The Future of Fashion is a study carried out by #BBKkuna framed within the space #HABITANTESDELFUTURO that aims to add citizens to the public debate. What do the citizens of Euskadi think about what fashion will be like in the future?  Bilbao_October.2023_BBK KUNA


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Second Edition BBK EGUNA23

Exhibition organised to celebrate #BBKKuna's second edition, along with other free recreational activities and cultural events. A total of 18 activities are scheduled to spread awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals. We promoted SDG N12 (Responsible Production and Consumption). Bilbao_Oct.23_BBK KUNA



IED-Kunsthal Sustainable Fashion Parade


IED Kunsthal Fashion Students parade with 19 proposals framed into the Future of Fashion Event.Bilbao_April.23_BBK KUNA



Worshops Fashion Revolution Week23

As part of our events we organize several workshops related to sustainable and circular fashion. Our last workshops: Upcyling, Shoes repair, Fixing our clothes, Botanical Prints, Biomaterials, Transform a kitesurf canvas into a shopping bag. Bilbao_April22_BBK KUNA



Fashion Revolution Week Euskadi23

To commemorate the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013, Fashion Revolution organizes a sustainable fashion week every year. A conferences, workshops, catwalk and exhibition were organized under the theme Think Global, Act Local. Bilbao_April23_BBK KUNA



Fashion's Future Materials

Moderating a round table at TABAKALERA with four teams who work for a more sustainable future for the fashion industry from the materials stand. María Clè Leal, fashion designer, Back To Eco - Infinit Denim recycled denim team and Adele Orcajada DiGiacomo presented the Basque BioDesign Center.
Donostia_ June22_GK-CLUSTER

Round Table

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Fashion Will Be Green or Won't Be

The exhibition took place as part of the vegan trade fair Be Veggie with the aim of showing and conveying to visitors the technical terms associated with the sustainable textile industry. Irun_Dec.2022_BEVEGGIE


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Social Experiment. People Care When They Know


We present you the "Social Experiment": Composition Label. People care when they know". Thanks to Sergio Vallejo, Diego Lazcaro, Stella Jones, Lorea Gonzalez, Paula García, Íñigo Elorduy and with the colaboration of #bbkuna and #baskbrand. Bilbao_April22_BBK KUNA

Social Experiment


Exhibition. Fashion Will Be Green or Won't Be

Framed into the Fashion Revolution Week22 Bilbao and Donosti, this exahibition shows to the visitor how fashion industry is linked to the climate change and which companies are working on the direction to be aligned with the SDG's. Bilbao_April.22_BBK KUNA


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Fashion and Climate Change

The 24th of October is the international day against climate change. The fashion industry contributes 8% of CO2 emissions, 20% of water pollution, and falls 150 million trees in order to make fabrics like viscose. With support from the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and #GK, Fashion Revolution Euskadi we have launched an interactive exhibition and workshops in Donosti to raise awareness about the fashion industry. Donostia_Oct.22_GK-CLUSTER


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OverConsumption in the fashion industry

Video for the instalation created for the inauguration of #BBKkuna, the house of the SDG's in Bilbao with the goal of embedding awareness in the fashion industry, one of the most polluting in the world. Bilbao_Nov.21


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Large-format public demonstrator that allows an x-ray of the environmental impact of the clothing that passers-by are wearing at that very moment. Through a multi-device web app, the user enters the composition, origin, care and disuse data of their garment in accordance with the sustainability index proposed by @bcome_conscious and in a matter of seconds they can visualize its impact on warming global. Bilbao_April24_BBK KUNA_SALA BBK

Social Experiment


Fashion Revolution LOVES Klima

Family-oriented series of environmental education workshops on the textile sector held during the BBK KLIMA summer season. More than fifty families gained knowledge of various recycling methods as well as how to make clothing and accessories that are entirely biodegradable. Urdaibai_July/August/September_BBK KLIMA



Fashion Parade: IED Kunsthal_Javier Barroeta Esculea_Inedi School

3 leading design schools in our community and throughout the region that train the designers of the future, with sustainability as a transversal axis in all their work, presented 30 looks that take into account sustainable values from the perspective of materials, circularity or waste management. Bilbao_April24_BBK KUNA_SALA BBK



Workshops Fashion Revolution Week24

As part of our events we organize several workshops related to sustainable and circular fashion. Our last workshops: Upcyling, Shoes repair, Fixing our clothes, Botanical Prints, Biomaterials, Magic Textiles, Pattern making etc... 
Bilbao_April24_BBK KUNA


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What is vegan and cruelty-free fashion?

What are the pros and cons in terms of sustainability? What are the main certifications available? The exhibition explore all these concepts and the basic materials of animal origin used in the textile industry, the environmental and social impact they have, and the alternatives. Irún_December.2023_BE VEGGIE


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How to get out of fast fashion addiction

The exhibition and conference took place as part of the BIOTERRA Fair with The aim of provide the visitors an understanding of the environmental and social impact of fast fashion and learn tips to stop their addiction. Irun_June.2023_BIOTERRA



Supply chain in the fashion industry

Organized as part of the Bilbao Fashion Revolution Week 23, this exhibition shows the visitor how complex the supply chain is in the fashion industry and why traceability and transparency are important. Bilbao_April.23_BBK KUNA



Rana Plaza Never Again

Street action commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster. The large structure of 90 boxes containing 90 messages symbolizes the building that collapsed in Bangladesh 10 years ago, killing 1,134 people and injuring more than 200. The action took place on April 24, 2023 on the main fast fashion shopping street in Bilbao_BBK KUNA



Botoia Talks: Conscious Fashion for Dummies

Botoia Talks: Conscious Fashion for Dummies is a project that tries to create short, direct and understandable pills about the textile industry, hand in hand with experts from different fields such as the production chain, textile waste, materials, labor rights and fashion and citizenship. In our first selection we present: JON CURUCHET, ZURINE FERNANDEZ, ADELE ORCAJADA, IRATXE ARTEAGOITIA, AIRÍ FERRER_BBK KUNA



EWWR. How to manage textile waste

Conference about Textil Waste Management and Reduction, framed into the EWWR with 5 teams (Cocoro, advanced lingerie for periods, llanatura, KOOPERA, Muturbeltz and SIC. Asociacion Española para la Sostenibilidad, la Innovación y la Circularidad en Moda). We will also had the pleasure to count with Carry Somers, Co-Founder of Fashion Revolution. Bilbao_Nov.21_IHOBE

Round Table


Employment in the textile industry does not have a Fair Wage

Moderating a round table at BBK KUNA with Clean Clothes Campaign and Fair Trade, talking about labour conditions in the fashion industry. Iratxe Arteagoitia_Clean Clothes Campaign Alberto Abad_ Comercio Justo. Bilbao_ Abril22_BBK KUNA

Round Table

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Worshops Fashion Revolution Week22

As part of our events we organize several workshops related to sustainable and circular fashion. Our last workshops: Upcycling, Turning a blanket into a hat, Biomaterials, How to manage postIndustrial fabrics. Bilbao_Donosti.April22.BBK KUNA



Secondhand Parade BBK Eguna

Second-hand clothes parade organised to celebrate #BBKKuna's first anniversary, along with other free recreational activities and cultural events. A total of 18 activities are scheduled to spread awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals. We promoted SDG N12 (Responsible Production and Consumption). Bilbao_Oct.22_BBK KUNA


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Fashion Revolution Week22 Donostia

To commemorate the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013, Fashion Revolution organizes a sustainable fashion week every year. A conference, workshops, and exhibition were organized under the theme Money Fashion Power in Kutxa Kultur Moda (Tabakalera) during the year 2022. Donostia_June22_GK-CLUSTER


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Fashion Revolution Week22 Bilbao

To commemorate the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013, Fashion Revolution organizes a sustainable fashion week every year. A conference, workshops, and exhibition were organized under the theme Money Fashion Power in Kutxa Kultur Moda (Tabakalera) during the year 2022. Bilbao_April22_BBK KUNA


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Be curious, find out and do something

This installation was created for the inauguration of #BBKkuna, the house of the SDG's in Bilbao with the goal of embedding awareness in the fashion industry, one of the most polluting in the world. Be curious, find out and do something. Buy less, choose well, and make it last. Bilbao_Nov.21



Exhibition: Weaving Consciousness


"Weaving Consciousness: breaking patterns in the textile industry".An initiative of the Clean Clothes Campaign and SETEM that has had the support of @fash_reveuskadi and @airiferrer. Each panel invites you to reflect on the complex production and consumption chains that support the fashion industry. Córdoba_Pamplona_Madrid_Barcelona_Vitoria.2024_CLEAN CLOTHES CAMPAIGN


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